Monday, September 12, 2011


Meals today:

Pretty plain so far. Protein shake in the morning and then just veggies for lunch.

Check this link for all the food I eat: (not the most fun you'll ever have)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Artichoke & Garlic chicken sausage on spinach. Only 320 calories, negligible carbs.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Diet update

Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple weeks. Be rest assured that I've upped my cardio, kept to mostly proteins and vegetables, and kept my cheat days to Saturdays.

Update on weight: 153 pounds on New Year's, 144.0 pounds as of this morning.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Subway chicken terriyaki salad

Geez only 210 calories for this? It was awesome. Biggest drawback was the 26g of carbs in the terriyaki sauce. Next time I'll ask them to be lighter on the sauce.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tri-tip Steak and Sharks hockey

Life is good.

6.8 oz of Tri-tip steak: 430 calories
3/4 cup of pinto beans: 155 calories

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weight update

January 1, 2011: 153 pounds
Today: 146.3 pounds

Pounds lost to date: 6.7

Geez. It took me 4 months to lose 6.7 pounds. I'm gonna add more exercise into the routine (I actually haven't done much exercise, just dieting 6 days/week.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Super protein brunch

Cooked in walnut oil
1 cup of egg whites
1 large whole egg (for flavor)
7 slices of low fat turkey bacon

575 calories
57g of protein

I'm full! And I think it's great to eat a bigger meal towards the beginning of the day. I plan on a spinach and ground turkey type meal for dinner.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Diet Log: week 2

Breakfast: B1
Lunch: leftover spinach, mushroom, ground beef omelet, 2nd half
Snacks: S1
Dinner: D4

Breakfast: B1

Lunch: L1, 2 hard-boiled eggs
Snacks: S1, sharp cheese
Dinner: Chili's Dry rub ribs no sauce, double veggies


Breakfast: B1
Lunch: D5

Snacks: none
Dinner: 3 eggs with 1/4 cup Monterey jack cheese

Breakfast: B1

Lunch: L1

Snacks: S1
Dinner: D5

Breakfast: B1
Lunch: L1
Snacks: S1, scoop of ice cream, 1 serving of wheat thins, 3x cheese wedges (30 cal each), 1 glass of port
Dinner: Chevy's 1/2 pound drunken shrimp fajitas, no tortillas, 10 chips with salsa

Cheat day


Breakfast: B1
Lunch: Chevy's steak fajita salad

Snacks: S1
Dinner: 10 oz ribeye steak with double veggies

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Diet Log Key (updated 4.14.11)

Breakfast #1 (B1) - protein shake

Lunch #1 (L1) - salad with cheese, no dressing
Lunch #2 (L2) - salad with cheese and carrots, no dressing

Dinner #1 (D1) - stir fry beef with broccoli, carrots, peas
Dinner #2 (D2) - stir fry chicken with broccoli, carrots, peas
Dinner #3 (D3) - turkey burger patty with avocado, cheese on romaine lettuce
Dinner #4 (D4) - 2 turkey burger patties, 1 slice of cheese, 2 eggs
Dinner #5 (D5) - 8 oz of 98% lean ground meat, guacamole, salad, 1 slice of cheese

Snack #1 (S1) - almonds

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The ol' hamburger meat on salad

As pictured, 280 calories, 26g of protein. 98% lean ground beef, mixed lettuce, 1 slice of cheese and "wholly guacamole".

Monday, April 11, 2011

Diet Log: week 1

Breakfast #1, Lunch #2, Snacks #1, Dinner #1

Breakfast #1, Lunch #1, Snacks #1, Dinner #2

Breakfast #1, Lunch #1, Snacks #1, Dinner #3

Breakfast #1, Lunch #1, Snacks #1, Dinner #3

Breakfast #1, Lunch #1, Snacks #1
Dinner: (cooked by Vanessa) mixed vegetables, sea bass filet, tomato, hard boiled egg (updated)
Late night snack: 3 cookies and a brownie (whoops)

Cheat day

Breakfast #1
Lunch: spinach, mushroom, ground beef omelet (ate only half)
Dinner: skirt steak, 1/2 potato, mixed vegetables

Including the cheat day, I created a -1000 calorie deficit. Using the calories in/calories out model that should indicate I should have lost about 1/3 of a pound, but the scale shows better. I've weighed myself in frequently and at my best since I've started, I was at -4.8 lbs, and at my worst (right after cheat day), I was at -2 lbs. I plan to weigh myself in on Wednesday when I'm less bloated from the cheat day.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Anyone have any podcast recommendations?

My favorite right now is the Nerdist podcast (thanks Chris Anthony for the rec) with Chris Hardwick. My favorite episodes so far are: Joel McHale, Rainn Wilson, Zach Galifianakis, and Tim Ferriss (best episode so far).

Anybody have any recommendations? I'm willing to listen to anything. I'm interested in: health, fitness, self-help motivational type stuff, comedy, meditation... I'm up for just about anything.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not the prettiest dinner in the world...

Breakfast: protein shake

Lunch: Salad with cheese

Snack: Almonds

Dinner: Turkey burger patty with guacamole, sharp cheese on romaine lettuce. (315 cals, very low in carbs)

So tired...

I'm not sure if it's the significant decrease in calories or the decrease in carbs, but I'm really feeling it today. I just want to sleep. I've only eaten an average of 1100 calories in the last 2 days, and less than 20g of carbs both days.

But I'm gonna stick with it. I remember when I went from 165 down to 150. The first week was always the hardest.

I think I love the kettlebell swing. My booty and legs are super sore and I only did 20 reps yesterday! Gonna do Wii Fit after work today. Gonna check my weight just in case I lost a pound over the last day haha.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Diet Log

Breakfast: 1 scoop protein shake
Lunch: salad with carrots, no dressing
Snacks: almonds
Dinner: stir fry beef with vegetables

Breakfast: 2 scoops protein shake
Lunch: salad with cheddar, no dressing
Snacks: almonds

Only 430 calories, with very few carbs (carbs from a little bit of terriyaki sauce). Tonight's dinner turned out way better than yesterday's. Yesterday's dinner was super dry, over-cooked and sucked.

I need you guys to humiliate me if I mess up on this diet. I've lost about 15 lbs overall since I got back to Salinas and kept it off, but I want to lose 25 pounds more in a year. So I'm trying to follow Tim Ferriss' diet verbatim. The only guidelines are to have 30+ grams of protein in the morning, avoid carbohydrates, and to cheat one day a week. If I miss those guidelines, let me have it!

Preliminary Goal

By June 6th (two months from today), my goal is to:

Get down to 140 pounds.
Bench press 135 ten times (not too difficult)
Run a 12-minute mile (not too difficult)

It's a good starting goal to get me to my ultimate goal.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The 4-Hour Body

Tim Ferriss has a book called "The Four Hour Body". I will be trying to follow the diet plan to the letter. Basically it's Atkins but with a cheat day on Saturday.

First step is to take measurements...

As of today, I have:
31.5% body fat (estimate based on the pictures in the book)
39 inches around the belly button
I weigh 151.1
Total Inches (TI measure per Tim Ferriss) = 147.125

Get down to 125 pounds
Bench 225 ten times
Run a 6 minute mile
Run a 5k marathon

Welcome Back to Blogging, Jay

Back to blogging. I think this is my 4th incarnation of my public blog. Let's see... geocities, Xanga, old blogger... yep 4th.

Good way to get my thoughts out, even though probably 10 max people will read it.